Paslode IM350+ Lithium Gas 90mm 1st Fix Framing Nail Gun 7th Gen 906500 1 bat,charger and carry case
The NEW and improved version of the iconic IM350+ tool heralds the seventh generation of Paslode gas nailing technology. Benefitting from 40 years of customer insight and innovation, the tool is strong and durable, guaranteeing tool performance and reliability.
Weight According EPTA -3.3 kg
Power (Impact Force)- 82 J
Operating Temperature Range -0°C...+49 °C
Fixings Per Sec -2-3 fixings
Fixings Per Hour- 1,000 fixings
Magazine Capacity -55 fixings
Fuel Cell Capacity -1,100 (-5°C) shots
Fastener Length Range- 50-90 mm
Vibration (EN ISO 8662-11) hav- 2.6 m/s²
Sound Pressure Level (En 12549) Lpa,1S,1M- 89 dB(A)
Peak Sound Pressure (En 12549) Lpcpeak -< 130 dB(C)
Fixings Per Battery Charge- 9,000
Battery Charge Time- 90 Min.
Battery Type -Lithium